A set of steak knives with stand in the form of a fist Steak Knife Holder

Price: — $39.95 | go to purchase |

The design of set Steak Knife Holder designed in the style of a superhero comic book publisher Marvel Comics Wolverine. Fist, printed on a 3D printer, serves as a holder for the three sharp blades, which are blades up, causing mixed feelings of awe and delight.

A set of steak knives with stand in the form of a fist Steak Knife Holder

The kit is made by a small American company if Industries. The holder is made of polished to a glossy Shine polylactide, and knives with serrated arms are inserted down into the slots located between the fingers of the palm compressed in a fist. Steak Knife Holder is made to order and is a perfect gift for lovers of steaks and fans of horror films.

A set of steak knives with stand in the form of a fist Steak Knife Holder

Price: — $39.95 | go to purchase |

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