Elastic heel wedges to flip flops Strip-Straps
So loved by all the tourists flip flops, have one significant drawback consisting in the fact that this Shoe held on the foot with interdigital jumpers and often slides off of the foot when running or walking fast. American designers came up with a simple and efficient way to solve the problem by creating elastic backs, fastened to a side bar of a flip-flop, turning them into comfortable shoes that are securely held on the foot even while swimming in pools or open water, or in the process of climbing.
The backs of Strip-Straps are made from neoprene rubber in three different sizes that are suitable for both men and women. They are attached to flip flops with adjustable Velcro-type Velcro, slightly stretched and fixed on the heel.
Strip-Straps allow to save space in a backpack during trips and holiday trips, replacing an additional pair of sports shoes.
Price: – $12 | buy |