Circular Drill Saw

Price: — $11.42 | go to purchase |

Why keep a full-fledged circular saw at home if the need for it does not arise so often. Since this need is usually non-permanent, there is no point in buying a separate expensive unit, because for this you can do with an ordinary electric drill .

Circular Drill Saw

Of course, the drill itself is not designed for cutting wooden planks from planks and bars, but a special adapter allows you to turn this tool into an excellent tool for working wood. Such a device consists of a clamp for a drilling tool, a fastener for a gear or a grinding wheel, as well as a platform that can be screwed to the surface of the table with screws or screws.

Circular Drill Saw

All adapter parts are made of metal, and therefore are particularly durable. Thus, this device is one of the most budgetary options to immediately get 2-3 useful tools from one.

Circular Drill Saw

Price: — $11.42 | go to purchase |

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